Saturday, January 21, 2012

Just my reaction on Animal Farm

        Animal Farm is a great read, a classic. For someone like me who does not give much thought on things like utopia, freedom, and other related issues, the story was an eye-opener. Not only did it have a great impact to me as a student, but it also changed my perspective on the state and the government today.

         During the first few pages of the story, I learned to sympathize with the barn animals in their desire to achieve freedom. But it was in the latter part that realization came to dawn on me. The story presented a very un-idealistic picture of the world to me, especially when it came to the part where Napoleon took control of the farm. I took notice of things in the story that could also be seen in the society before and even today—hierarchy, as in the case of the pigs and the “other” animals; rivalry in power, as in the case of Snowball and Napoleon; and most importantly, tyranny, as manifested in the case of Mr. Jones’ and Napoleon’s leadership.

 On a side note, the story almost seems like a “guidebook” on what leaders should not do when in power. Snowball and Napoleon have very different “styles” in governing the farm animals. But despite Napoleon’s clearly bullying tactics, the author presented the story in such a way that, in my own perception, Snowball is not necessarily the preferable alternative for a leader. Napoleon has this lust for power and control, while Snowball thinks of himself as a genius who should be leading in order for the farm to be prosperous. I see both of them as potential dictators, since neither of them really have the animals’ interests at heart. One thing that also caught my attention was the fact that the pigs used their “intelligence” to oppress the other animals. They used their mental advantage over the other animals to manipulate them. This can be seen in the part where the pigs “revise” the seven commandments, knowing that the lower animals cannot read them, much less understand them. This was one of the parts of the story that pricked my curiosity, and at the same time, caused me to be disturbed. I began asking “what ifs.” What if the animals—all of them—knew how to speak, write and read? What if the animals were not as gullible as they were in the story? The author did a fairly nice job in answering my questions—in Animal Farm, none of those are going to happen.

In general, the story is one big metaphor of what is happening in the society then and now. It tells a simple, yet tragic story of animals who tried to make a utopia for themselves but ended up being a dictatorship of pigs. It is a simple fable, yet by no means simple in its symbolism. At one point, it made me question about the rules of society. At one point, it inspired me to make things better. Animal Farm taught me how essential it is to have passion when attempting to set things straight, but also cautions me that passion can lead to destruction when set towards wrong goals.

Read Animal Farm here!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Buloy: The story behind the song

VACANT TIME. Just listening to songs in my iPod when "Buloy" by Parokya ni Edgar up. Then my "writing mood" strikes. I just found myself here, in front of the laptop screen, writing a short story about the song. To understand this, though, you must first listen to the song or know the lyrics. Enjoy. :)

James stared blankly at the darkness descending slowly upon the horizon. Tipping a bottle of cheap vodka to his lips, he tried to make sense of his present situation, but he failed. Sighing, he dumped the now empty bottle of vodka he was holding and opened another one. He drowned himself with the golden liquid, hoping it will numb his senses and ease his confusion. But then, who could ever understand the harshness of life? He let out a deep sigh. If only Edgar were here, he thought wistfully.

The thought of Edgar made him smile. Old memories came swiftly and flooded his drink-befuddled mind. He remembered the day when he was expelled from high school, the time when he was thrown out by his parents, the days he had so many problems that he even wished he were dead. Edgar was with him through all those times. He was always there to boost his morale and give him good advice. He was, after all, his superhero-slash-bestfriend. He was. Why, you ask? He's gone now. He committed suicide long ago. And it's all because of a mere dog.

Leaves rustled from the old narra tree in front of their abode, and James came crashing back to the present. The past is long gone, and reality began to resurface. James felt a tear roll down his cheek. He smiled sardonically. He wanted to yell at his bestfriend. He wanted to lash out at him for being such a paradox. But, unfortunately, he couldn't. All he could do was wish that wherever Edgar is now, he isn't miserable, the way James was...